Monday, September 27, 2010

Black Caiman

Black Caiman

Black Caiman is a crocodilian. This carnivorous reptiles that lived along the slow-moving rivers and lakes in seasonal floodedsavannas Amazon and other freshwaterhabitats in South America. Once shared, he was hunted near extinction primarily for its commercial value. Now it is listed as conservation Dependent.

Black Caiman have bony Ridge Brown eyes and black, scaly skin.Colouring of the skin helps withcamouflage during his nocturnal hunting, but can also help absorb heat. mothers on guard near their nest tormented by blood sucking flies that gather around the eyes Bloodshot, leaving them vulnerable.

Immature specimens eat crustaceans, insects, but quickly graduates of fish, including Piranhas, catfish, Perch, which remain the main food source for all black Caiman. Of the Raptors would be to availability include turtles, birds, the last two andmammals, mainly when they come to drink on the banks of the River. More samples can be taken tapirs, deer, anacondas and Capybara.Jaguars are known predator from all other types, as well as juvenile black caimans, but mature black caimans are likely to have no natural predators, such as apply to other similarly sized crocodilian species (given the size, weight and large biting strength).Their teeth are up for grabs, but not to copy, so they typically try to swallow whole food after drowning him. their main Predator is the man who looking for leather or Tales of this type of meat.

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